Mental Capacity and DoLS - A Managers Perspective
The Liberty Protection Safeguards have now been agreed by both the House's of Parliament and the House of Lords, and whilst it is anticipated they will become law next year, the responsibilities that will be placed upon Registered Managers are significant. Whilst the Code of Practice around LPS is still to be written, what is clear is that Registered Managers are going to need to have a sound understanding of the Mental Capacity Act.
The Liberty Protection Safeguards have now been agreed by both the House's of Parliament and the House of Lords, and whilst it is anticipated they will become law next year, the responsibilities that will be placed upon Registered Managers are significant. Whilst the Code of Practice around LPS is still to be written, what is clear is that Registered Managers are going to need to have a sound understanding of the Mental Capacity Act.
Are you confident that you and your team are confident in the following:
- embedding the 5 principles of the MCA into their every day practice
- identifying indicators that suggest a capacity assessment needs to be under taken.
- Applying the “two stage test “to their practice when working with an individual who may lack capacity on a specific decision at the time it needs to be made
Explaining the Best Interest process and what it means to the individual
- Illustrating what may constitute a deprivation of liberty.
- Demonstrating the registered manager’s current responsibility in applying for and implementing a deprivation of Liberty (Safeguards) authorisation ( and that of the team)
- Understanding the new responsibilities for Care managers from Liberty Protection Safeguards ( awaiting Royal Assent)