3-day Care Certificate - Face to Face Classroom

The Care Certificate is an agreed set of standards that define the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of specific job roles in the health and social care sectors. The Care Certificate is made up of the 15 minimum standards that should be covered if you are 'new to care' and should form part of a robust induction programme. It was developed jointly by Skills for Care, Health Education England and Skills for Health.


This course is incredibly flexible so that each learner can complete the standards that are specific to their role.

It is also mapped to units on the Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) relating to health and social care qualifications, meaning learners can use the standards they have completed as recognised prior learning.

Upon completion of the online training course, learners will meet the knowledge requirement of the Care Certificate. Once the competence elements have been observed in the workplace the Care Certificate can then be awarded by the employer.

Please note: This course is designed to cover all of the learning topics of the Care Certificate qualification, but completing the Care Certificate course will not enable you to meet the standard fully, as this additionally requires assessment and observation whilst undertaking your role in the workplace. However, our course is a great choice as part of a learning solution, or as an induction, refresher or revision tool.

If you would like to obtain competency sign off for the Care Certificate, you will need to arrange this through your employer. You can only achieve the knowledge element of the course by completing the Care Certificate.

What is covered

There are a total of 15 training modules included in this training course that cover the key syllabus of Care Certificate.  These modules include:

  • Module 1 Understand your Role
  • Module 2 Your Personal Development
  • Module 3 Duty of Care
  • Module 4 Equality and Diversity
  • Module 5 Work in a Person Centred Way
  • Module 6 Communication
  • Module 7 Privacy and Dignity
  • Module 8 Fluids and Nutrition
  • Module 9 Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability
  • Module 10 Safeguarding Adults
  • Module 11 Safeguarding Children
  • Module 12 Basic Life Support
  • Module 13 Health and Safety
  • Module 14 Handling Information
  • Module 15 Infection Prevention and Control.

Please note that if you would like to obtain competency sign off for the Care Certificate, you will need to arrange this through your employer. You can only achieve the knowledge element of the course online.

You’ll be assessed on what you know and what you do to show you understand and can carry out the standards in your role.

Each standard must be completed and assessed before you can work un-supervised. This should happen at the beginning of your employment and can be done with a phased approach. Once each individual standard is met, you may be allowed to do the areas of work covered by that standard without direct supervision, while still needing supervision in other areas.


Who will Benefit?

The Care Certificate should be used as part of your induction as it sets out fundamental skills that you’ll need to work competently in health and social care.

Learners will be expected to complete the Care Certificate if you’re new to care, employed as an adult social care worker or, providing direct care in a residential or nursing home, a hospice or are a home care worker.

You can also complete the Care Certificate if you’re working in a non-care working role, for example if you work as a cook or a maintenance person.

You can apply the knowledge from the Care Certificate towards existing qualifications and apprenticeships in the future, though periodic refreshers may be required.

Please keep your certificate safe and any other related documentation.


Those that have the responsibility to sign off the Care Certificate must be confident that the new worker is competent in their job role.

The Care Certificate is endorsed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). It's the beginning of the career journey for those new to care and acts as a foundation for health and adult social care integration. 

The Care Certificate is not a mandatory requirement. However, the Care Quality Commission will expect that appropriate staff who are new to services which they regulate will achieve the competences required by the Care Certificate as part of their induction.

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The Care Certificate is an agreed set of standards that define the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of specific job roles in the health and social care sectors.

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