Positive Behaviour Management & Physical Breakaway Techniques
This course is designed to look at presenting behaviours, understanding in which context these are occurring and the need behind them (Behaviour as a form of Communication). The training will centre on equipping staff with skills and confidence to proactively manage negative behaviours, by having a consistent approach to implementing techniques learnt. PBM training is recommended to be refreshed or renewed periodically to maintain skills and stay up to date with evolving best practices.
This course is designed to look at presenting behaviours, understanding in which context these are occurring and the need behind them (Behaviour as a form of Communication). The training will centre on equipping staff with skills and confidence to proactively manage negative behaviours, by having a consistent approach to implementing techniques learnt.
Delegates will learn how to address disruptive behaviour safely and effectively, increasing the likelihood that individuals will feel both supported and listened to.
The Breakaway element of the course is designed to help both staff and individuals stay safe in any given environment in accordance with the law. These techniques employ maximum care and minimum amount of force necessary, and will be for the shortest period of time to ensure that all staff actions should be proportionate to the circumstance.
Breakaway training in healthcare refers to specific training that healthcare professionals undergo to learn how to safely handle potentially aggressive or violent situations with patients or clients. It focuses on understanding the reasons behind aggression and identifying warning signs to respond appropriately.
There are no prerequisites required for this course. All candidates must wear suitable clothing, e.g. tracksuit bottoms, trainers and t-shirt.
What is the Main Aim of the Course?
To provide strategies to increase the confidence of staff in dealing with challenging behaviours, ensuring the safety of everyone concerned. Also to look at how good Care, Behaviour and Risk planning are vital to providing good consistent outcomes.
What will I Learn?
The syllabus covers such topics as:
- How legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relate to PBM
- Development of knowledge and skills to promote personal safety and promote positive behaviour
- What underpins challenging behaviour and the use of proactive and reactive strategies
- Environmental changes that assist in the management of challenging behaviour
- Responding appropriately to incidents of challenging behaviour
- The psychological and physiological impact of aggression on all involved
- Understanding the aftermath of challenging behaviour and the importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for all
- Understanding the criteria for intervention and the legal context for breakaway
- The safe application of de-escalation and breakaway techniques
- Practice of de-escalation and breakaway techniques
- Reviewing and revising approaches to promoting positive behaviour
Who will Benefit?
Anyone in a Health and Social Care environment dealing with Behaviour that challenges
What Next?
You might also be interested in the following:
1. Risk Assessment
2. Effective Communication
3. Mental Health Awareness
4. Recording and Report Writing